Atwork form builder

Create engaging forms easily!

Create multiple forms with Atwork Form Builder, share them easily, and manage your data efficiently with our smart panel.






No data entry needed

When someone completes your form, the data automatically appears in your Atwork sheet.
No manual data entry needed. Export to Excel if you prefer.

Atwork dashboard english

Professional reporting

Use Atwork's amazing dashboard to analyze your findings. With Atwork Form Builder, you don't need any other tools, ust build your form and enjoy your data at a glance.

Share your forms smartly

With Atwork Form Builder, easily share your form with colleagues or anyone you choose, inviting them to view or contribute to the results.

share Atwork form builder
share Atwork form builder

Share Atwork forms in your Web or social

In your Atwork panel, effortlessly build your form, grab the URL, and share it on your website or social media. Plus, effortlessly send the form to your employees for completion via mobile.

If you’re already an Atwork user, you can use it completely free, but registration is required.

Yes, you can! With Atwork Form Builder, you can easily share your forms with anyone, even if they’re not in the Atwork panel.

Atwork Form Builder allows you to create customized forms for various purposes such as surveys, feedback collection, event registrations, and more. It simplifies the process of gathering information and streamlines data management.

No, the person creating the form has the option to specify whether each field must be filled out or not.